Blue (Brexit) Monday…
January 21st, 2019 | Weather
After two or three weeks of sun, we finally had a weekend of rain, and now that we are back at work again, guess what? Yes, the sun has returned again! Ironic, or just plain annoying I ask myself? At this time of year we also experience quite a lot of mist and fog hanging around in the early morning, certainly until the sun has had chance to burn it off. When the Salnes Valley is shrouded like this, it can look quite dramatic as the sun starts to rise over the surrounding hilltops. Of course, the other ‘mist’ that often hangs around during the day at this time of year is not actually mist at all, but rather the smoke generated by grape producers burning their vine cuttings after pruning. (It’s a bit of a waste really, as vine cuttings are really excellent for adding that extra touch of smoked flavour to barbecued food).
Despite this wonderful weather, we are actually busy inside this week as we prepare one or two large orders. I don’t really want to dwell on this, but one is actually destined for the UK, as importers actively start to stock up a little prior to Brexit. Of course, no one knows what will happen as yet, but it will almost certainly change our documentation (for example, it will no longer be Intra-Community), and leaving the EU could also cause additional delays to our shipments as vehicles will take much longer to cross borders into the UK. Who knows? Our Prime Minister certainly doesn’t!