Harvest 2018 – Day 5
September 24th, 2018 | Bodega
Yet another beautifully sunny morning (which should now be the pattern until the end of the coming week). With temperatures now touching 30°C (86°F), it makes for very hot work – but better this than rain!
Unfortunately another minor incident occurred during the night when the very last pressing of the day suddenly stopped. However, with a 24 hour call-out service during harvest time, a technician quickly rectified the problem, and the last press of the day was completed (about 4am).
It transpires that Sunday turned out to be a completely manic day, and by late afternoon a short queue of vehicles had accumulated waiting to discharge their grapes. The heat was clearly taking it’s toll on everyone as the torrent of grapes continued throughout the evening without remission. By the end of the day we had by far exceeded our daily target, bringing the end of our 2018 harvest almost within touching distance. Perhaps one day more?
Meanwhile, downstairs in our lab, every single delivery of grapes was being analysed from the obligatory sample taken upon arrival. The results were better than we could have hoped (certainly after such poor spring weather). Of course the yield of juice per kilo was slightly less than normal, but it was the viscosity and balance of the juice that surprised us a little.