Short break
August 15th, 2018 | Bodega
Although Spain has many ‘Festivo’ days over the year, not all of them are National Holidays. Some are Provincial, some are Local, and some are even based around festivals, such as the Tinto wine festival in our own village of Barrantes. Many of the National holidays are religious, and today’s ‘holy day’ is no exception. In fact it is not the exception, but rather the Assumption of Mary (when the Virgin Mary ascended into heaven).
Religion aside, this day also signals the start of a short recess for the Castro Martin team, when we extend this single day into a break of just over one week. It is our last chance to re-charge the batteries before the onslaught of harvest! Harvest time itself is very demanding, both physically and mentally, and so it’s really important to give our team time for some well deserved R&R before we effectively ‘kick-off’ the new season.
Our local weather has now improved a little and should be fine and sunny for the duration of our break. Of course, we have our fingers crossed (as always) that these conditions may extend until the end of September. Unlikely, but we live in hope!