Solidarity or intimidation?
November 14th, 2012 | Local News
Today’s photo is not the best quality that I have ever posted on our blog. The reason? It is a ‘covert’ photo taken very discreetly using my mobile phone – I shall explain why…..
I confess that I had not realised as I woke up this morning that Spain was in the grip of a national strike – a protest against the austerity measures being systematically introduced across the country. Without becoming too political I am convinced that these measures are being imposed out of necessity rather than by choice, as the Government struggles to balance its books and get its financial house in order. Of course Spain is not alone in this predicament, and so the strike was apparently organised not only as a national event, but as an international event, covering the whole of Europe.
I had to attend a hospital appointment in the local town of Vilagarcia (as a follow up to my spine injury) and upon entering the town we noticed that some shops were indeed closed, but that others were opening their doors for normal business. No doubt, in the midst of a deep recession, they had decided that bills still need to be paid and that they could not afford the loss of income. Being a little early for the appointment we decided to have a cup of coffee, and after a long search finally found a cafe/bar that had ignored the strike and opened its doors. On walking around we had also noticed small groups of four or five rather unsavoury looking characters hanging around on street corners – it soon became apparent who they were.
No sooner had we sat down with our coffee, when one of these groups entered. Perhaps not just a coincidence that they were rather large, slightly imposing looking men, who immediately confronted the poor woman in charge of the bar. After several minutes of discussion the woman pulled down her shutters, waited until we had finished our drinks, and then closed her bar. By the time we left the town, we could not see one business which had remained open – those which had braved the strike were now closed.
I’m sorry, but I had always believed that the whole point of a democracy is that we are free to make our own choices. I am not quite sure what gives these ‘pickets’ the right to impose their views upon the small business owners, obviously trying to make an honest living and keep their heads above water in difficult economic times.
Today’s photo is not the best quality that I have ever posted on our blog. The reason? It is a ‘covert’ photo taken very discreetly using my mobile phone – I shall explain why…..
I confess that I had not realised as I woke up this morning that Spain was in the grip of a national strike – a protest against the austerity measures being systematically introduced across the country. Without becoming too political I am convinced that these measures are being imposed out of necessity rather than by choice, as the Government struggles to balance its books and get its financial house in order. Of course Spain is not alone in this predicament, and so the strike was apparently organised not only as a national event, but as an international event, covering the whole of Europe.
I had to attend a hospital appointment in the local town of Vilagarcia (as a follow up to my spine injury) and upon entering the town we noticed that some shops were indeed closed, but that others were opening their doors for normal business. No doubt, in the midst of a deep recession, they had decided that bills still need to be paid and that they could not afford the loss of income. Being a little early for the appointment we decided to have a cup of coffee, and after a long search finally found a cafe/bar that had ignored the strike and opened its doors. On walking around we had also noticed small groups of four or five rather unsavoury looking characters hanging around on street corners – it soon became apparent who they were.
No sooner had we sat down with our coffee, when one of these groups entered. Perhaps not just a coincidence that they were rather large, slightly imposing looking men, who immediately confronted the poor woman in charge of the bar. After several minutes of discussion the woman pulled down her shutters, waited until we had finished our drinks, and then closed her bar. By the time we left the town, we could not see one business which had remained open – those which had braved the strike were now closed.
I’m sorry, but I had always believed that the whole point of a democracy is that we are free to make our own choices. I am not quite sure what gives these ‘pickets’ the right to impose their views upon the small business owners, obviously trying to make an honest living and keep their heads above water in difficult economic times.