Our roller coaster weather
May 25th, 2012 | Weather
Back to the boring subject of weather I’m afraid. I am not sure if it’s my imagination but we seem to be experiencing more extremes of weather with each day that passes, and certainly, it would appear that our seasons are becoming much less predictable. For example, I think there was a town in Scotland where recently they were sunbathing one day, and then suffered sub-zero temperatures with snow less than one week later.
Now, I’m not suggesting that Galicia has suffered from the same extremes, and we have certainly not shifted suddenly from drought and water shortage one day, to flood and catastrophe the next, as they have in some parts of the UK, but our weather cycles are certainly evolving in some very unpredictable ways. I think I wrote only a few weeks ago that March and April appeared to be reversed this year, with March being much warmer than April, and the fact that we had virtually no rain for a period of 2-3 months prior to the Easter holidays, but since then our climate has been even more changeable. Indeed, the barometer has been up and down like a roller coaster – one day hot, up to 27°C (80°F), and then the very next day back down to 14/15°C (just under 60°F). Quite honestly I don’t know whether to come to the Bodega in shorts or my thermal underwear!
The flowering in our vineyards is almost upon us and so, as always, we have our fingers crossed that the weather will remain good at least for the next week or so……
Back to the boring subject of weather I’m afraid. I am not sure if it’s my imagination but we seem to be experiencing more extremes of weather with each day that passes, and certainly, it would appear that our seasons are becoming much less predictable. For example, I think there was a town in Scotland where recently they were sunbathing one day, and then suffered sub-zero temperatures with snow less than one week later.
Now, I’m not suggesting that Galicia has suffered from the same extremes, and we have certainly not shifted suddenly from drought and water shortage one day, to flood and catastrophe the next, as they have in some parts of the UK, but our weather cycles are certainly evolving in some very unpredictable ways. I think I wrote only a few weeks ago that March and April appeared to be reversed this year, with March being much warmer than April, and the fact that we had virtually no rain for a period of 2-3 months prior to the Easter holidays, but since then our climate has been even more changeable. Indeed, the barometer has been up and down like a roller coaster – one day hot, up to 27°C (80°F), and then the very next day back down to 14/15°C (just under 60°F). Quite honestly I don’t know whether to come to the Bodega in shorts or my thermal underwear!
The flowering in our vineyards is almost upon us and so, as always, we have our fingers crossed that the weather will remain good at least for the next week or so……