Bodega in bloom
May 10th, 2012 | Weather
Many people think that weather is quite a boring subject (myself included), but as we are essentially fruit farmers, it obviously has an enormous influence on the quality of our end product, and we are therefore obliged to pay attention.
The month of May so far, has been cool and wet, following the same pattern as the last three weeks of April. However, in the last 48hours the sun has finally re-emerged, sending our tractors scurrying to the vineyards to give the first treatment of the season (protection against mildew after all the rain). It also gives us the time to appreciate a splash of colour at the front door of the Bodega.
Time to break out the Speedos perhaps?!
Many people think that weather is quite a boring subject (myself included), but as we are essentially fruit farmers, it obviously has an enormous influence on the quality of our end product, and we are therefore obliged to pay attention.
The month of May so far, has been cool and wet, following the same pattern as the last three weeks of April. However, in the last 48hours the sun has finally re-emerged, sending our tractors scurrying to the vineyards to give the first treatment of the season (protection against mildew after all the rain). It also gives us the time to appreciate a splash of colour at the front door of the Bodega.
Time to break out the Speedos perhaps?!