Too much information?
June 12th, 2010 | Uncategorized
In the past I have made mention of the labelling requirements on wine bottles, and the fact that the number of warnings is on the increase. I have no complaints about this development.
My friends over at Sandihurst Wines in New Zealand also wrote about labelling on their blog – talking about the need to include wine ‘ingredients’ – the technical breakdown.
Of course the need for technical information is compounded when you add the language requirements of each country to the mix. For example, at the moment we are obliged to include the expression ‘Contains Sulphites’ on our labels, and as the majority of our labels are already printed with text in two languages (English & Spanish), so we have to include this warning in two languages. For the German market we then have to add an additional sticker with this warning in German, to each bottle. And so, as you see, it can potentially become rather complicated.
There is another way around this problem, as demonstrated by the German beer in my photo. Include the information in 14 languages!
This may be an efficient way of dealing with the issue, but I have to say that it is probably a bit over the top, bordering on the slightly ridiculous. The frightening thought is that it demonstrates where we all might end up one day…… I hope not.