Easter traffic update
March 17th, 2008 | Uncategorized
It is almost exactly a year ago since I mentioned on our blog that the local ‘Via Rapida‘ is being upgraded to full motorway status. In keeping with long standing Spanish tradition the work remains ongoing – making slow but steady progress. How is it the saying goes?…. They might not be efficient, but at least they’re slow! (With apologies to my Spanish readers)
For those of you who have seen the direction map on our main website you will know that it is a little simplistic to say the least, and it has therefore been my intention for some time now, to update it and make it a bit more sophisticated. In current circumstances I have, however, resisted the urge, as the shape of the road and it’s junctions changes on almost a daily basis.
For the time being at least, the current map still works, and so if you are planning a trip to sunny Barrantes this year my only advice would be – try not to destroy too many bollards, and take care not to miss the temporary signs as you admire the Galician countryside.
If, however, your in-car SatNav blows a fuse, or you find yourself at the bottom of a big hole, then please do give us a call, and we will be happy to guide you in.