Time to come clean……
April 11th, 2007 | Uncategorized
I recently recommended a virtual visit to the Bodega using Google Earth, and as I think I mentioned at the time, this is really quite impressive.
Slightly less impressive was the Prolafiol ‘virtual tasting’ that I recommended a couple of days later….. on April 1st! So, for those of you who did not understand the concept, then please allow me to explain:
Prolafiol is actually an anagram of April Fool, which I’m afraid means that this was just another example of my strange English sense of humour. I therefore apologise to any of my readers who may have spent hours scrubbing their hands and frantically rubbing the screen trying to extract wine odours. (Well, maybe there were just one or two people, you never know).
Actually, here is Spain, they do not ‘celebrate’ April fool’s day on April 1st, but they do have a similar day of practical jokes on December 28th that is known as the Día de los inocentes.
To be truthful, I can’t see my wife Angela planning any dastardly jokes, but don’t say that you haven’t been warned!